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Can I have video on my site?

Of course you can!

There are a variety of ways to display embeddable videos on your HTML5 Portfolio Site. One way is to use an Information page, which will allow you to display both text content as well as embedded video content on your page. This page is an example of embedded video content located within an Information Page.

A second option is to use an External Link, which will allow you to embed your video content from your trusted source (such as YouTube, Vimeo, or Animoto), and have it open in a smart lightbox directly from the navigation menu.

A third option, if you prefer to display several videos on your site, is to use a Links Page. Links Pages allow you to embed multiple videos on a single page, as individual links. Each embedded video link on this page will also open in a smart lightbox. If you would like to see these options for yourself, click on the other Video Example pages within the "Videos" drop-down menu of this sample website.